Borneo II 2019

“Only if we understand, can we care. Only if we care, we will help. Only if we help, we shall be saved.”

~ Jane Goodall

Why Borneo?

For the summer of 2019 I chose to travel to Borneo for a primate conservation course in my Masters in biology degree at Miami University, Ohio. I was curious about this country, having little knowledge about this part of the world. I love primates, especially Orangutans, and I jumped at the chance to study these fascinating animals in person.

Sun Bear

Upon arriving in Borneo I was overwhelmed by travel experiences. I was ready to turn around and head home. Concerns flooded my head about why I chose Borneo, why it was so hot and humid, and why I missed home so much. But those concerns melted away on the first day when we met the impressive Dr. Wong. The Sun Bear Conservation Centre was one of our first stops. I learn all about sun bears and the conservation needs for this animal. Dr. Wong's passion was infectious for these bears. This is the only conservation center for these animals in the world. My eyes were opened to one of the many animals that are threatened in Borneo.

Pangolins, Pythons and Primates ~ Oh My

Our class traveled to a scientific field station on the Kinabatangan River in Borneo. Here we were able to see first hand how scientists conducted research on some of the threatened and endangered animals of the island. We were greeted the next day by a mother and baby orangutan. My breath was taken away observing these creatures navigate through the jungle treetops. I was lucky to experience seeing these healthy orangutans in the wild and realizing how their existence is being threatened. 

Community Partners

We continued to learn, not only about these endangered species, but how the community play a vital role in conservation.  The voice of the local Sabah community is heard in various ways. Among the many organizations that aid in conservation, it was the team of Hutan women working on forest restoration that inspired me the most. This restoration team was initiated and directed by local community women to help stay at home women have a part in conservation. These women help grow seedlings at home and a team dedicates many days at replanting these trees in the forest. This model of genuine leadership is a great example of the value the local community serves in conservation. 

This is only a brief glimpse of this amazing country. But for me it was a new outlook on conservation and that hope is not lost. 

Thank you for our team for sharing these pictures!


“Home.” Bornean Sun Bear Conservation Centre,


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