
Showing posts from October, 2018

Baja 44

"Not all those who wander are lost" J.R.R. Tolkien   Embarking on a new journey can be very exciting. I often questioned my motives as to starting a masters in biology later in life. Am I qualified for this? Can I learn a new subject? These and many other questions plagued my mind before the start of my first course. The summer of 2018 I ventured on my first Earth Expedition to Baja, Mexico with Project Dragonfly of Miami University.  Being a Kindergarten teacher in a low income community many of my students will not have the means of going out into the world, I am professionally committed to bringing the world to them. The transformative experiences and expeditions in this master’s program can be translated into lessons, stories, and conversations that help develop a global consciousness in the minds of my students. I want to inspire my students to love to learn and to care deeply about the world around them. Many families are very hard-working, lacking